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      Novoland The Castle in the Sky·Time Reversal

      13+|2020|الصين الرئيسية
      Tommy YuSutradara
      NamaTommy Yu
      Tanggal Lahir1979-04-15
      تشونغ دانني Aktor
      Namaتشونغ دانني
      Tanggal Lahir1989-09-11
      تشاي قه Aktor
      Namaتشاي قه
      Tanggal Lahir1990-09-02
      وانغ يوي ونAktor
      Namaوانغ يوي ون
      Tanggal Lahir1997-05-28

      After the battle of Sky City, Feng Ren declares war on the human tribe. Seeing that the human tribe has no means of retaliating, Fang Qiwu, the queen of Human tribe, tries to use a time machine device to return to the past so that she can possess the body of Nan Yinmeng, Feng Ren's beloved consort, and kill Feng Ren. However when she wakes up in another timeline, she is told that Feng Ren is dead. However, Fang Qiwu refuses to believe this and merely think this is a rumor. The body that Fang Qiwu wakes up in turns out to be Hong Luan, the top beauty of the human tribe. Ten days later, she is to marry Feng Qi, the crown prince of Yu tribe. As it is told in history that Feng Ren would play the Qin during the wedding ceremony, Fang Qiwu plans to kill Feng Ren during her wedding day. During this ten days, she is protected by a youth named Nan Feng. Fang Qiwu falls in love with Nan Feng as both share the same love for music. However on the day of the wedding ceremony, she finds out that Nan Feng's true identity is actually Feng Ren.

      Alasan peringkat usia: رعب, عنف

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