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      Parallel Love

      PG|2020|Mainland,China|حلقة 24|Romance · urban
      Shi Xinالمخرج
      الاسمShi Xin
      تاريخ الولادة--
      Li Hongyiالممثل
      الاسمLi Hongyi
      تاريخ الولادة1998-06-26
      تاريخ الولادة1990-02-06
      تاريخ الولادة1994-06-02

      "Jiao Yang, even if the time counts down, maybe I will never see you again, but please remember that there is a person named Lin Miao who loves you very much." This is the first sentence written by Lin Miao in the autobiographical novel "Parallel Love".

      33-year-old Lin Miao comes across Jiao Yang in an era without bike sharing, scan code to pay, or the takeout software. From mutual disgust in the beginning to working together as the superior and the subordinate, Lin Miao changes Jiao Yang moment by moment. Those unrealistic business plans in his mind gradually become feasible.

      Jiao Yang also sees this 8-year-older woman's most vulnerable side. After the breakup ten years ago, Lin Miao changed her name and tried to bid farewell to her past. But she is still an ingenuous "little girl" who longs to be cared for in spite of her powerful outside. Unconsciously, Lin Miao's heart thumps towards Jiao Yang. But this time Jiao Yang and Lin Miao discover that the man behind the conspiracy is Lin Miao's ex-boyfriend, Su Chengjun, who is also Jiao Yang's half-brother. Since the two were born, their lives are like the fate of a prince and a beggar. But this time Su Chengjun decides to change.

      With the cooperation of Lin Miao, Jiao Yang steps through the conspiracy of the power struggle inside Hongyu Group. After experiencing confusion, twists and turns and struggling, Lin Miao and Jiao Yang bravely rewrite Hongyu Group's fate, gaining growth and love for each other.

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