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      There Will Be Ample Time

      2023|Mainland,China|All 36 EPs|urban · Story
      Ren Suxi
      Li Xueqin
      Shi Ce
      Wang Zixuan
      Ren Bin
      Zhang Chi
      Wu Xingjian
      Zeng Kelang
      Wu Yuheng

      The story is about four girls who grew up together, but were scattered all over the world as adults. However, a turnaround in their lives brought them back to Chengdu. Facing the hometown they had been away from for years, they went through the process of not adapting to it and becoming familiar with it again. In the midst of frustration, they found a new direction for their careers and reaped the benefits of friendship, the comfort of loved ones and the beauty of love. Eventually they realized that they could find endless possibilities in life even in their hometown.

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