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      Love Destiny

      PG|2022|الصين الرئيسية|حلقة 12|رومانسي · مدينة
      Xu Xiaoshuالممثل
      الاسمXu Xiaoshu
      تاريخ الولادة1998-04-18
      يوصى بالأعمال
      Liu Yuxuanالممثل
      الاسمLiu Yuxuan
      تاريخ الولادة--
      يوصى بالأعمال
      Yang Yunranالممثل
      الاسمYang Yunran
      تاريخ الولادة--
      يوصى بالأعمال
      Liu Boxuالممثل
      الاسمLiu Boxu
      تاريخ الولادة1998-03-11
      يوصى بالأعمال

      Five years ago, Su Xiaohan and Xiao Mo fell in love, but the school heard rumors that Xiao Mo was engaged to the big star Gu Jing. Su Yuhan and Xiao Mo did not express their hearts, and with the rumor that "the evidence is conclusive", Su Yuhan resolutely left, and there was no news within five years. Su Yihan is a design major. After going to France, he began to study and study. He has also won many awards in the past five years. Recently, a person who claimed to be Lao Xu found Su Yihan and gave her a chance to participate in the BRD Jewelry Design Competition. After Su Yuhan came back from France and came to the Diamond Square Jewelry Company, he found that the boss of the company was Xiao Mo, and the younger sister of the year, Meng Mengmeng, and the younger brother Yuan Hao were also in the Diamond Square Company. When Su Xiaohan left, Xiao Mo tried to find Su Xiaohan, but there was no result. Because of a promise of the year, Xiao Mo opened the Diamond Square Jewelry Design Company, and Su Yuhan returned to China this time, which is also the plan of Xiao Mo and Yuan Hao. Su Yuhan has a guilty conscience and said that he is only returning to China for the BRD competition. Xiao Mo also decided to take the compound plan in the long run.

      مُوصى به لك

      حلقة 26

      أنا أقع في حب نجم الترفيه

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      حلقة 24
      العرض الحصري
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