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      Nothing But You

      2023|Mainland,China|Trọn bộ 38 tập|Romance · Story
      تشن تشانغĐạo diễn
      Tênتشن تشانغ
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1977-09-15
      Chòm saoالعذراء
      وو لي Diễn viên
      Tênوو لي
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1999-12-26
      Chòm saoالجدي
      Tác phẩm đề xuất
      وسط عاصفة ثلجية من الحبوسط عاصفة ثلجية من الحب
      Our TimesOur Times
      الحب مثل المجرةالحب مثل المجرة
      تشو يوتونغ Diễn viên
      Tênتشو يوتونغ
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1994-09-21
      Chòm saoالعذراء
      Tác phẩm đề xuất
      هناك حب في مسقط رأسيهناك حب في مسقط رأسي
      حبي من المحيطحبي من المحيط
      Nothing But YouNothing But You

      Liang Youan, a workplace elite who entered the bottleneck period of life, and Song Sanchuan, an athlete who was always a substitute, both joined a grass tennis club by chance. Liang Youan was a half-way club manager, and Song Sanchuan also switched to a tennis player from badminton. The two and their teammates worked together to overcome difficulties and strived to build an amazing professional club. In the process, Liang Youan and Song Sanchuan gradually fell in love, along with conflicts in ideas and experience. As the club continued to develop, they surpassed themselves and strengthened trust in dealing with challenges, and ultimately gained professional growth and sweet love.

      Đề xuất cho bạn

      حلقة 24

      High-Altitude Sweet Romance, Passionate Pursuit of Dreams

      حلقة 56

      وو لي وتشاو لو سي يمثلان قصة حب جميلة

      حلقة 25

      الشخص الصحيح مع الوقت المناسب

      حلقة 28

      وانغ ان يو - شيانغ هان تشي - حب شبابي

      حلقة 26
      All 15 EPs

      You don't understand, It's also love

      حلقة 25
      All 24 EPs

      Smile to Life

      All 30 EPs
      حلقة 24