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      The Journey of Flower

      2015|Mainland,China|50 episódios|Fantasy · Romance · Traditional Costume · Story
      Yuk Fan Lam
      Wallace Huo
      Zhao Liying

      It is a love story between a master and his disciple. The main character Hua Qiangu is an unlucky orphan who's looking for a chance to learn magic and martial arts to survive after her parents died. Appreciating her hard working nature and kind heart, and predicting her tragic destiny, she enters Chang Liu, an immortal sect, to seek peace and solutions. Bai Zihua, the sect leader of Chang Liu, takes her as his only disciple. Qian Gu falls in love with her teacher but doesn't reveal her true feelings until the end. Eventually, the truth has been revealed that she was born as Nü Wa's descendant and has access to godly power.She summoned the Demon God to save her master and the God transferred all his power into her body afterwards, therefore, making her the new ruler of the demons. Although Zihua tries to protect her and change her fate, Qiangu is constantly tortured by the machinations of those who wish to see her dead.

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