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      The Waiting

      Kuan-yu Lin
      "Shen Manman and Li Xiang were a couple in high school. In the year of Shen Manman’s high school graduation, Li Xiang, who was a sophomore, got a chance to exchange to a foreign country and left without saying goodbye. Shen Manman therefore made this relationship dust-laden. When Shen Manman was at her forth year, Li Xiang came back from abroad and proposed to Shen Manman. Chose to major in the social working in the university, Shen Manman was doing voluntary work for Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin’s lover joined the army and fighted the enemy on the front line. He hoped to return home after the victory and to taste the three cups of chicken made by Jiang Xin. Inadvertently, Shen Manman discovered the recipe that Jiang Xin made three cups of chicken and a piece of old news report that was cut down and carefully preserved. Her lover had already died in the battlefield. It turned out that Grandma Jiangxin had been waiting, waiting for a non-existent lover. Shen Manman realized that happiness is determined by whether or not she has the courage to be honest with herself."

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