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      Nezha: Return of the Magic Boy

      PG|2023|China Continental|Action · Fantasy
      Wang JiqingĐạo diễn
      TênWang Jiqing
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh--
      Chòm sao--
      Dao XuanĐạo diễn
      TênDao Xuan
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh--
      Chòm sao--
      He ZhonghuaDiễn viên
      TênHe Zhonghua
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1969-03-07
      Chòm saoPeixes
      CindyDiễn viên
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh2012-02-27
      Chòm saoPeixes

      The Dragon King and the Dragon King of the Four Seas force Li Jing to surrender Ne Zha by flooding the Chen Tang Pass. Ne Zha commits suicide and his body dies. Taiyi wants to build a temple to help him regenerate.

      The Burning Lamp Taoist presented Li Jing Linglong Pagoda, saying that Nezha would be devoured by the evil heart if he suffered from incense in vain. Li Jing can not bear to let Ne Zha go astray and decides to destroy the temple to lead Ne Zha to misunderstand, and Li's mother and Taiyi secretly worship Ne Zha memorial tablet. When the Dragon King came to Nezha's resurrection, everyone was pressed under the tower. Misunderstanding deep father and son, while fighting with each other, but also to guard against the attack of the dragon and the monster in the tower, so decided to put down the grudge to escape from the dangerous place.

      Two people into the depths of the pagoda, the illusion comes in a throng, the enemy lurks among them, at any time to attack the tired father and son.

      The two men walk together and eventually bury the hatchet and defeat the Dragon King.

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