Thirteen Talks 5
2020|Daratan/Tiongkok|Total 13 EP|Culture
Only those who are conscious and wise know how to deal with loss of control. Between the square inch, create new possibilities, at any time, you can dance at any time.
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Only those who are conscious and wise know how to deal with loss of control. Between the square inch, create new possibilities, at any time, you can dance at any time.
Rasa Kebahagiaan
Panduan Hidangan Laut
Malam Terliar, Keakraban Terhangat
Selamat Pagi, Dunia
Pecinta Kuliner Dunia, Bersatulah!
Matahari Juga Terbit
Melihat Dunia dengan Prasangka
Kehidupan Digital: Kisah Orang Biasa
Melihat Dunia dengan Prasangka
Sarapan Ceria untuk Hari Cerah