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      Miracle in Cell No. 7


      Aga plays a mentally-ill man who is wrongfully charged with sexually assaulting and murdering a little girl who happens to be the daughter of a high-ranking official (Tirso Cruz III). Joselito, the character played by Aga, has a very loving daughter named Yesha (Xia Vigor) who is left with nobody now that he is in prison. In all his innocence, Joselito wishes to be with Yesha even in prison. With his fellow inmates already softening up on him, they device a plan to smuggle his young daughter inside the cell. Their success in pulling it off, the bond that is formed between Joselito and the men, the affection they have for the little girl, and how she brings out the best in them -- all these put together may be the miracle in cell no. 7.

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