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      My Hero Academia S1

      13+|2016|Japão|13 episódios|Combat

      The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered super powers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 percent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such individual.

      Since he was a child, the ambitious middle schooler has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Izuku's unfair fate leaves him admiring heroes and taking notes on them whenever he can. But it seems that his persistence has borne some fruit: Izuku meets the number one hero and his personal idol, All Might. All Might's quirk is a unique ability that can be inherited, and he has chosen Izuku to be his successor!

      Motivo da classificação etária: Violência, Linguagem

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      Divórcio em andamento, paixão no momento certo

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      Perfect 10 Liners

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      Yang Ying e Song Weilong, romance doloroso entre dois forte

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      General louco sequestra sua esposa por amor

      Saiu até o Ep11

      Memórias coletivas da juventude dos nascidos nos anos 90
