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      2022|Thailand|Trọn bộ 12 tập|Romance · Comedy
      Thanabat YiampanomkunDiễn viên
      TênThanabat Yiampanomkun
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh--
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      Saranvut NittayasuthiDiễn viên
      TênSaranvut Nittayasuthi
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1997-12-20
      Chòm saoSagittarius
      Tác phẩm đề xuất
      Sutthipong SutthiaroonratDiễn viên
      TênSutthipong Sutthiaroonrat
      Giới tínhNam giới
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      Nuttapong PookavnoiDiễn viên
      TênNuttapong Pookavnoi
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1991-08-31
      Chòm saoVirgo
      Tác phẩm đề xuất
      Bhumipat ChatchairungruangDiễn viên
      TênBhumipat Chatchairungruang
      Giới tínhNam giới
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      Thai series “The Re•start(ed)”, a story about a big change during the college life of “U” who has a new friend like “Chin”. They both built a friendship born of closeness. But no one knew that friendship formed a certain feeling. Which leads to a point where they can't get out of each other's orbits because they're going to cycle back to starting all over again. But a fresh start might be the best choice for “Zee Mai” who was called a nerd boy by all his friends because of his life focusing on books and studies. One day, he had to change because of his own hot junior “Zo” who made his heart flutter. and pain at the same time That forced him to shake off his nerdy image to change himself. But for those who have never had a boyfriend like “Jed”, they have to fall in love with “Anwa” unconsciously. So love happens all at the same time without realizing it.''

      Đề xuất cho bạn

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      Total 12 EP

      Kisah Sebelum Tidur di Kamar 609

      Total 12 EP
      All 8 EPs
      WeTV Originals
      All 2 EPs
      All 10 EPs
      All 12 EPs
      Total 12 EP

      Romance · Fantasi
