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      “Mao Xue Wang” is a scenario-based reality show that takes the relationship between original friends as the starting point. The show takes friendship as a link, and uses “Mao Xue Wang House” as the main shooting scene to tell the real and interesting stories between Mao Buyi, Li Xueqin and their friends who meet here every week, revealing the status quo of daily life amidst laughter, showing the rich youth life and spiritual world of young people today, and recording real growth.

      مُوصى به لك

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      Rasa Kebahagiaan


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      Panduan Hidangan Laut

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      Malam Terliar, Keakraban Terhangat


      Are You Ready to Witness the Love that Is Yet to Bloom?

      Total 15 EP

      Kamu Tak Mengerti, Ini Juga Cinta

      Total 16 EP

      Kembalinya Trio Baja: Petualangan di Negeri Salju

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      Selamat Pagi, Dunia

      Sentuhan Manusia di Dunhuang

      Menciptakan Peluang Baru dalam Hidup
