Trainee generasi ketiga TF Family akan diuji berbagai kemampuannya melalui acara realitas dan penampilan panggung. Sebanyak 13 trainee akan memulai "petualangan" yang penuh ketidakpastian ini. Hanya trainee yang benar-benar siap yang akan bertahan dan berhasil. Akankah mereka mampu menghadapi tantangan dan mencapai puncak?
- Prequel: Transform Project untuk persiapan debut generasi ketiga TF Family
- Episode 1: Boys gather together. The theme song assessment starts
- More of Episode 1: Transform! Are you in?
- 《Landing Is Not In Service》EP1
- 登陆日衍生花絮《再练一遍就登陆》ep
- Episode 2: Visualization Ability Assessment begins, Shang Wenjie, Yang Hesu and VATA join the first stage performances
- 《登陆日》衍生花絮《登陆!走不走》ep02_07
- 登陆日衍生花絮《登陆不在服务区》ep
- 再练一遍就登陆ep02
- Episode 3: Performance Assessment of Demonstrable Skills heats up. Shang Wenjie, Yang Hesu and VATA select trainees for collaborative performance
- 登陆!走不走ep3_12
- ep3 登陆不在服务区
- 再练一遍就登陆ep03_14
- Episode 4: Team stage assessment kicks off. Wang Feifei and Wang Linkai assist with the second public performance
- ep4登陆走不走_17
- 再练一遍就登陆ep04
- Episode 5: Pemeriksaan Panggung Tim Dimulai! Wang Feifei hantu kecil Wang Linkai bergandengan tangan dengan anak muda menyalakan api penuh
- ep5登陆走不走
- ep5登陆不在服务区_21
- 再练一遍就登陆ep05
- Episode 6: The third public performance coming soon. Eunhyuk and Donghae join in support
- 登陆日衍生花絮《登陆!走不走》ep06_24
- 登陆日衍生花絮再练一遍就登陆ep06_25
- Episode 7: "A step away" stage officially unveiled! Eunhyuk and Donghae witness the youth’s growth
- ep07登陆!走不走
- 登陆不在服务区ep07.mp4
- 再练一遍就登陆ep07
- Episode 8: The fourth public performance kicks off the final battle "before dawn"! Alliance battles go full throttle (First half)
- EP08登陆走不走
- EP08登陆不在服务区
- Episode 9(Part 1): The fourth public performance kicks off the final battle "before dawn"! Alliance battles go full throttle (Second half)
- Episode 9(Part 2): The fourth public performance kicks off the final battle "before dawn"! Alliance battles go full throttle (Second half)
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