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      PG|2020|الصين الرئيسية|All 36 EPs|زي تقليدي · رومانسي
      باي لوActor
      Nameباي لو
      Date of birth1994-09-23
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      لاي يي Actor
      Nameلاي يي
      Date of birth1990-11-29
      Sun YifanActor
      NameSun Yifan
      Date of birth1993-08-26
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      تشاي تسي لوActor
      Nameتشاي تسي لو
      Date of birth1998-03-25

      In the late Tang Dynasty, Li Qingliu was a great business man. At this time, he was showing the gold thread clothes of his silk factory in a restaurant in the capital. Outside the restaurant, Long Aoyi, the boss of the Longzhu Gang, was fighting with the Snake Gang who oppressed the people. Then the two met each other because of the disappearance case of the gold thread, and they joined together to solve it. Li Qingliu and Long Aoyi learned a lot from each other in the process. Li Qingliu’s identity as the prince was revealed later because of unscrupulous profiteers. In order to protect Long Aoyi and the common people, Li Qingliu had to enter the palace. Long Aoyi also entered the palace in order to avenge the people and met Li Qingliu again. The two teamed up to reveal the truth. In the end, the profiteers’ plan failed and the capital returned to peace again. Li Qingliu and Long Aoyi also came together...

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      زي تقليدي · رومانسي · قصة

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      Bingqing Hu and Ann get involved in the secret scandal of imperial palace.

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      The youth from clan of cultivators killed the devils for the others
