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      Nothing But You

      PG|2023|الصين الرئيسية|Trọn bộ 38 tập|رومانسي · قصة
      تشن تشانغĐạo diễn
      Tênتشن تشانغ
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1977-09-15
      Chòm saoالعذراء
      وو لي Diễn viên
      Tênوو لي
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1999-12-26
      Chòm saoالجدي
      تشو يوتونغ Diễn viên
      Tênتشو يوتونغ
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1994-09-21
      Chòm saoالعذراء

      Liang Youan, a workplace elite who entered the bottleneck period of life, and Song Sanchuan, an athlete who was always a substitute, both joined a grass tennis club by chance. Liang Youan was a half-way club manager, and Song Sanchuan also switched to a tennis player from badminton. The two and their teammates worked together to overcome difficulties and strived to build an amazing professional club. In the process, Liang Youan and Song Sanchuan gradually fell in love, along with conflicts in ideas and experience. As the club continued to develop, they surpassed themselves and strengthened trust in dealing with challenges, and ultimately gained professional growth and sweet love.

      Đề xuất cho bạn

      All 24 EPs

      Blue Youth: Tales of Beach Boys and Girls

      All 24 EPs

      The Frozen Girl and the Fallen Music Genius

      All 46 EPs

      Lin Yichen dote-on Feng Shaofeng

      All 30 EPs

      The Quirky Girl vs. The Ice-Cold CEO

      حلقة 25

      طفل لطيف يصبح جروًا لملاحقة الفتاة التي يحبها

      حلقة 35

      The Story of Vengo and Hu Bingqing in the Army

      حلقة 40
      All 56 EPs

      Mike and Mao Xiaotong's love-hate story.

      حلقة 34

      الفتاة اللطيفة تعجب بمهارات الطبيب العظيمة

      All 56 EPs

      Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi: United to Conquer the World
