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      2017|الصين الرئيسية|Total 10 EP

      《吐槽大会》 is a Chinese stand-up comedy show. In each episode, an experienced celebrity with great interity is invited to be the "roastee" who will invite his or her friends to join the show and take the challenge of "roasting". The show is essentially a comedy performance in the form of talk show. Through the teasing and mockery among guests, the correct philosophies are conveyed in the hilarious moments.

      Direkomendasikan untukmu


      Humor upgrades the iron triangle to reunite


      Tucao, a young way of communication


      Roast SS4


      Chen Xuedong, Johnny Huang and Jackson Wang warm Meng belt baby

      حلقة 48

      يانغ مي وتشن وي تينغ كسرا القدر ووقعا في حب بعضهما البعض

      حلقة 30

      The legal medical expert solve the cases.


      Food is gathering


      Rocket Girl 101 Starts Their Journey
