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      Sunshine of My Life

      PG|2021|الصين الرئيسية|Trọn bộ 45 tập|رومانسي
      هونغ تيان رنĐạo diễn
      Tênهونغ تيان رن
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1971-09-12
      Chòm saoالعذراء
      تشانغ هانDiễn viên
      Tênتشانغ هان
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1984-10-06
      Chòm saoالميزان
      شيوي لوDiễn viên
      Tênشيوي لو
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1994-12-28
      Chòm saoالجدي
      هونغ ياوDiễn viên
      Tênهونغ ياو
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1992-03-19
      Chòm saoالحوت
      وانغ روي زيDiễn viên
      Tênوانغ روي زي
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh--
      Chòm sao--
      Tác phẩm đề xuất

      Tang Mingxuan, general manager of Mingyuan Fashion Group, is a young pioneer in the industry and a typical workaholic. Tang Mingxuan's world will always be the single job, until a designer called Mo Fei breaks into his life. Tang Mingxuan and Mo Fei meet each other in a design competition, and Mo Fei made Tang Mingxuan understand the value and situation of traditional techniques. The two gradually fall in love with each other. But Mo Fei is about to study abroad, and Tang Mingxuan is busy with Mingyuan's new strategy. At the same time, with Tang Mingxuan's childhood sweetheart’s obstructing, the two can't express their feelings for each other. Mo Fei finally went to study in Paris thousands of miles away, but her first love still stayed in the mainland. After twists and turns, the two finally understood each other's minds. With joint efforts of Tang Mingxuan and Mo Fei, Mingyuan's overseas expansion plan was successfully launched. From Shanghai to Suzhou to Paris, they had wonderful memory everywhere.

      Đề xuất cho bạn

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      تعال إلى آسيا لاختيار الآيدل الخاص بك

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      الوقوع في الحب أثناء الطلاق

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      حلقة 42

      الجنرال المجنون يخطف عروسًا من أجل الحب

      15تم تجديد الحلقة

      Perfect 10 Liners

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      الثراء تقرره السماء، ولقائك هو حظي

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      يقضي وانغ خه دي على العنف ويحل القضايا الغريبة

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      حلقة 10