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      Attack on Titan OAD

      13+|2021|Japão|8 episódios|Adventure

      This is done to escape from the man-eating Titans——Eren Yeager and his friends revolve around the plot. Their existence takes a dramatic turn when the wall of their hometown is

      destroyed by the Titan.

      Eren and his friends join the hunter Battalion. It is a team of trained soldiers fighting against the Titans taking revenge.

      Their slim hope of survival was reduced to one terrible choice: kill or be swallowed! Attack on Titan OAD is a very famous anime series that ran from 2013 to 2018.

      Motivo da classificação etária: Violência, Horror

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      General louco sequestra sua esposa por amor

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      Rico é destinado pelo céu, tenho a sorte de conhecê-lo

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      Perfect 10 Liners

      10 episódios

      Enredados em assuntos perigosos

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      Redenção bidirecional para o homem rico fugitivo e o assassino violento

      Saiu até o Ep84

      Somos ambos membros da Seita Tang, vivendo neste mundo turbulento.


      Venha conhecer os concorrentes!
