HS Coming One: Rising Band
2020|Tiongkok Daratan|Total 8 EP
This is a derivative program of "The Coming One - Super Band". This program mainly includes students' life in the practice room , tutors' teaching, and some daily games.
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This is a derivative program of "The Coming One - Super Band". This program mainly includes students' life in the practice room , tutors' teaching, and some daily games.
Aksi Dylan Wang menjaga keadilan
CLBK akibat kerja bareng mantan
Meng Ziyi & Li Yunrui mencari cinta
Perfect 10 Liners
Terikat dalam cinta yang berbahaya
Aksi Dylan Wang menjaga keadilan
Perjalanan Cinta yang Pahit Manis
Takdir sudah ditentukan, Kamu beruntung bertemu denganku~
Kita Anggota Sekte Tang, Hidup di Dunia yang Bergolak.