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      The Cloud Embracing The Moon

      PG|2024|मुख्य चीन |24 एपिसोड|पारंपरिक पोशाक · प्रेम
      Guo Jiananअभिनेता
      नाम।Guo Jianan
      जन्म की तिथि।1998-06-18
      अनुशंसित कार्य
      Sun Yiranअभिनेता
      नाम।Sun Yiran
      जन्म की तिथि।1998-04-20
      अनुशंसित कार्य
      Min Xinghanअभिनेता
      नाम।Min Xinghan
      जन्म की तिथि।1998-07-14
      अनुशंसित कार्य
      Huang Yunyunअभिनेता
      नाम।Huang Yunyun
      जन्म की तिथि।--
      अनुशंसित कार्य

      Over a decade ago, a treasure map led to the destruction of the Li family, which was once powerful officials of the previous dynasty. Years later, the sole survivor, Li Yunzhi, returns with a heart full of vengeance. Disrupting the arranged marriage of the Ye family, Li Yunzhi collaborates with Princess Ye Lingyue to carefully plot a scheme, positioning herself by the side of the ailing Crown Prince Song Chen, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back. As she endures several tests, Li Yunzhi gradually realizes that the prince seems like someone from her childhood…

      A forbidden love blooms amid hidden emotions and newfound desires, blending torment with unexpected tenderness. Ye Lingyue and Li Yunzhi, once enemies and now reluctant allies, grow closer as they face countless challenges together. But as the downfall of the Ye and Wan families unfolds, the secrets of the treasure map and the true identities involved are finally revealed...

      आपके लिए अनुशंसित।

      32 एपिसोड

      पारंपरिक पोशाक · प्रेम · भूखंड

      46 एपिसोड

      Lin Yichen dote-on Feng Shaofeng

      30 एपिसोड

      Xu Kaicheng and Yang Chaoyue's love story in the mythical realm.

      24 एपिसोड

      Wife's Revenge

      24 एपिसोड
      वीटीवी ओनली

      You Jingru plays the foppish Heiress.

      29 एपिसोड

      प्रेम · दुविधा

      26 एपिसोड

      प्रेम · भूखंड

      24 एपिसोड

      ईमानदार जोड़ी, और प्यारा प्यार

      36 एपिसोड


      21 एपिसोड
      वीटीवी ओनली

      Pan Yueming and Gao Weiguang exposes the mysterious secrets
