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      My Hero Academia S3

      13+|2018|Japón|25 episodios|Combat

      As summer arrives for the students at UA Academy, each of these superheroes-in-training puts in their best efforts to become renowned heroes. They head off to a forest training camp run by UA's pro heroes, where the students face one another in battle and go through dangerous tests, improving their abilities and pushing past their limits. However, their school trip is suddenly turned upside down when the League of Villains arrives, invading the camp with a mission to capture one of the students.

      Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season follows Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, an ambitious student training to achieve his dream of becoming a hero similar to his role model—All Might.

      Razón de clasificación por edad: Violencia

      Recomendaciones para usted

      Actualizar a 15

      El viaje en busca del amor de Meng Ziyi y Li Yunrui

      Actualizar a 30

      Los Siete Monstruos de Shrek se reúnen de nuevo

      Actualizar a 15

      El frío y orgulloso CEO persigue a su dulce esposa muda

      Actualizar a 3B

      Enredos Peligrosos

      24 episodios

      Feng Shaofeng y Cai Wenjing en una lucha extrema de emociones

      To EP 4

      A Story of Love and Friendship

      266 episodios

      Jangan Sesali Masuk Gerbang Tang di Kehidupan Ini

      To EP 10
      10 episodios

      Un Viaje Agridulce de Amor

      Actualizar a 187

      El Tiempo Entierra Todo, Pero Yo Resurgiré!
