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      The Glory of Tang Dynasty

      2017|Mainland,China|All 60 EPs|Romance · Traditional Costume · Story
      Yin Tao
      Jing Tian
      Allen Ren
      Wan Qian
      Shu Chang
      Qin Junjie
      Mao Zijun
      Yu Xiaowei

      "The story is about Shen Zhenzhu, the concubine of Emperor Daizong while he was the Prince Li Chu of Guangping. Zhenzhu was an ordinary girl from Jiangnan. Kind-hearted and noble, she stayed behind during the An Lushan Rebellion in order to show solidarity with the Tang citizens. Although she was captured by the opposing forces, she never gave up protecting her people, and remained loyal to her husband despite the pursuit of Moyan Chou, a Uyghur general.

      After peace was restored, Li Chu was determined to relocate her and bring her back to the palace, ignoring the advice of his fellow officials. However, Zhenzhu refused to return to the palace with him, as she knew her time as a hostage would jeopardize his chances of succeeding the throne. She chose to disappear from the royal court and live among the people she spent her whole life protecting."

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