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    The Journey of Chongzi (Thai Ver.)

    2023|الصين الرئيسية|حلقة 40|رومانسي · زي تقليدي · خيال
    Kwok Fai Lauالمخرج
    الاسمKwok Fai Lau
    تاريخ الولادة--
    يانغ تشاو يويالممثل
    الاسميانغ تشاو يوي
    تاريخ الولادة1998-07-31
    شيوي تشنغ شي الممثل
    الاسمشيوي تشنغ شي
    تاريخ الولادة1985-05-05
    ما ون يوان الممثل
    الاسمما ون يوان
    تاريخ الولادة1996-09-10
    يوصى بالأعمال
    دنغ ويالممثل
    الاسمدنغ وي
    تاريخ الولادة1995-02-26

    The demon king Ni Lun was annihilated leaving the demon clan in tatters as they escape into the mortal realm. Chongzi is pure and kind, yet she is the daughter of Ni Lun. After being saved by the immortal Chu Bufu, she becomes determined to cultivate at Nanhua but is turned away as it has been foretold that she will become a demon.

    At this time, the venerable Luo Yinfan surprisingly accepts Chongzi as his only disciple. Chongzi is very reliant on Luo Yinfan and wishes for nothing more than to be by his side. In turn, Luo Yinfan promises to protect her. A conspiracy leads to Chongzi's imprisonment and Luo Yinfan is unable to do anything to help, leading to her death for the sake of peace.

    In her second life, Chongzi comes to Nanhua again. Luo Yinfan recognizes her in one glance. In order to protect her, he seals the evil miasma within her and keeps her close, thus continuing their relationship as master and disciple. However, there is no escape from the wheel of fate. Chongzi once again becomes the target of a multitude of arrows. In a fit of rage, she embraces her demonic side and reaches the point of no return.

    Fate has played a cruel joke on the star-crossed lovers - one is the venerable master who carries the world on his shoulders while the other has the blood of the demon clan flowing in her veins. They helplessly fell in love, helplessly turned against each other, yet they still cannot break free from their feelings. Can their love shake the rules of heaven and earth?

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