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      The Blessed Girl (Thai Ver.)

      2020|Mainland,China|حلقة 40|Traditional Costume · Romance · Fantasy
      تشاو جين ماي
      يوان هونغ
      لين يي
      تساي وين جينغ
      شين يون لاي
      تسين يو سي
      تسينغ لي
      تشاو تيان يو
      The ancient fantasy TV series "Ling Long" tells the story in a mysterious continent named "Suchuan", where there are many beautiful legends from the myth era. A catastrophe causes the gods to fall, and Suchuan enters a chaotic era of division. Years later, the young monarch Yuan Yi takes the throne and vows to end the chaos. Yuan Yi believes that the source of the chaos is the fall of the gods. He flees from the imperial city in plain clothes and finds the girl Ling Long containing power of the gods. Ling Long lives with his father Huo Tuxin in a remote village. Although she lost her mother at an early age, she is independent and excellent. At the request of Yuan Yi, Hu Tuxin, together with Ling Long and Yuan Yi, leave the village and embark on an adventure to save Suchuan. Evil can never rival justice. Ling Long, her father and their friends finally defeat the force of evil and lead Suchuan to a better new era.

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      6تم تجديد الحلقة

      Xu Lu and Miles Wei collab in costume drama

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      Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin Cooperate Again

      To EP 46

      We are both members of the Tang Sect, living in this turbulent world.

      حلقة 28

      love at first sight? The general pursues the little cook

      حلقة 40
      حلقة 265

      لا تندم على دخول طائفة تانغ في هذه الحياة

      To EP 155

      Perfect World

      104تم تجديد الحلقة

      ترتفع العاصفة مرة أخرى مع حلول العرش
