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      Love You Day And Month

      • حلقة 12
      التحديث إلى 12 الحلقة
      حلقة 12

      الممثل لي له, فنغ يي يي

      عرفنى بنفسك: The young cleaner Ming Xiaoxiao and the bossy CEO Huo Yunting meet at a country club by accident. Later, an unexpected kiss makes them a quarrelsome and loving couple.Ming Xiaoxiao is a simple lovely girl who has a slight mental retardation. Huo Yunting is aloof and scheming, but he's wounded by a traitor in his family. They are total strangers. Yet as Huo Yunting is wounded, he needs a personal nurse. Then he's forced to "live together" with Ming Xiaoxiao.During only a few days they spend together, they misunderstand each other many times and embrace many challenges. However, there are also sweet moments and funny stories. Instead of disliking each other at first, they get to understand each other and become a sweet couple helping each other. Together, they will live a beautiful new life!

      Love You Day And Month

      مقاطع حصرية


      مُوصى به لك

      حلقة 26

      أنا أقع في حب نجم الترفيه

      حلقة 26
      حلقة 20

      Thassapak Hsu in his leading role in this series featuring two ace investigators

      حلقة 38

      Two-sided Life of Fat Mansion Becoming Handsome

      حلقة 18

      القبلات الأولى

      حلقة 24

      Mermaid Prince

      حلقة 12

      Beautiful Female CEO Breaks the Heart of Salesman

      حلقة 32

      أنت مجدي

      حلقة 22

      The Contract Lover - Fake Relationship and True Love

      حلقة 28

      وانغ ان يو - شيانغ هان تشي - حب شبابي

      حلقة 56

      وو لي وتشاو لو سي يمثلان قصة حب جميلة
