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      Crocodile and Plover Bird

      2019|Mainland,China|Trọn bộ 50 tập|Romance · urban · Story
      Trương Thiên Ái
      Trần Bá Lâm
      Ngô Hạo Thần
      Hoàng Nhất Lâm

      Li Nanen comes from a small town and she has loved traditional Chinese culture since she was a child. After graduating from university, she studied architecture at the University of Bordeaux, France, and accidentally entered the Advanced Animal Research Society. This research institute is developing a set of ecological building systems called "Sky Garden". The soul of the research institute, Zhou Erwen, is a aloof scholar, committed to studying the integration of ecological protection and architecture. The two are cold-blooded crocodile and annoying bird in the eyes of each other, and become enemies. Zhou Erwen not only questions Nan En's talents, but also her traditional Chinese architectural concept. Gao Mu is always a peacemaker. After a period of getting along and running in, they find that the common fusion of their theories would be of great benefit to the "sky garden". After graduation, the members return to China to start their own businesses, and encounter many obstacles in the process. However, they become more and more brave. Using the theory they learned, they combine them with the domestic environment and local conditions, they achieve great success in the end.

      Đề xuất cho bạn

      All 36 EPs

      Start Your Journey With Fan Xian Again

      Trọn bộ 265 tập

      Đời này bất hối nhập đường môn

      Đến tập 160
      Trọn bộ 46 tập

      Trương Nhược Quân bước vào miếu đường, giang hồ tuyệt xứ phùng sinh

      Đến tập 122

      Sự tiến hoá của loài người, là đáp án duy nhất.

      Trọn bộ 39 tập

      Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin Cooperate Again

      Trọn bộ 24 tập

      Enmity and Infatuation, to Hate or to Love

      Đến tập 105

      Vực thẳm trỗi dậy, ngai vàng giáng thế
