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      "Manga Man" Falling From The Sky

      2021|Trung Quốc đại lục|20 episódios|Tìnhyêu · Huyềnảo · Tìnhtiết
      Trần Gia VănAtores
      NomeTrần Gia Văn
      Data de nascimento1995-01-03
      ConstelaçãoMa Kết
      Hoàng Ân DụcAtores
      NomeHoàng Ân Dục
      Data de nascimento1996-12-25
      ConstelaçãoMa Kết
      Vương Gia ManhAtores
      NomeVương Gia Manh
      Data de nascimento1995-04-06
      ConstelaçãoBạch Dương

      The comic author Mao Douzi modified his comics, again and again, making the big villain in the book—Su Wang mad and coming to the real world. “Forcing” the author to give himself a finishing end. They developed feelings when they got along in the real world. At the same time, they also had to deal with this crisis caused by the other comic character who came to this world for a decade hero Jiang Lin.

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