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      Solaso Bistro

      2017|मुख्य चीन |Trọn bộ 20 tập|प्रेम · भूखंड
      जुआन जियाओDiễn viên
      Tênजुआन जियाओ
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1987-05-06
      Chòm saoवृषभ
      Tác phẩm đề xuất
      एलेनोर लीDiễn viên
      Tênएलेनोर ली
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1999-10-12
      Chòm saoतुला
      ज़ियावेई लवDiễn viên
      Tênज़ियावेई लव
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1982-06-28
      Chòm saoकर्क
      Tác phẩm đề xuất

      This story focus on seven different women with different characters, revealing all kinds of gender malady. The topic directly point the conflict between woman’s right and man’s right. In this story, Tang Yu worked for a catering company with deep male chauvinist ideology, while she was limited by the job market’s unfairness and crackdown, thus she decided to leave company after a series of resistance to the real life. After that, she gathered six dif-ferent character’s Female friends to open a rooftop restaurant. In the story, Jiao Junyan totally show her warm-blood and justice, she was so brave to bring “problem women” of Solaso Bistro to break traditional doctrine and secular view.

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