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      Jade's Fateful Love

      PG|2024|मुख्य चीन |24 एपिसोड|प्रेम · पारंपरिक पोशाक · कपोल कल्पित
      Hani Kyzyअभिनेता
      नाम।Hani Kyzy
      जन्म की तिथि।1996-01-29
      अनुशंसित कार्य
      युजिया यानअभिनेता
      नाम।युजिया यान
      जन्म की तिथि।2001-09-23
      अनुशंसित कार्य
      Zhang Jiayuanअभिनेता
      नाम।Zhang Jiayuan
      जन्म की तिथि।2003-01-08
      अनुशंसित कार्य
      Huang Qiaoअभिनेता
      नाम।Huang Qiao
      जन्म की तिथि।--
      अनुशंसित कार्य

      To protect her eldest sister, Yueling, the Youngest Princess of Dongyu, was married to Beishuo. By accident, she married Zhou Shiyu, the North Prince of Beishuo. The trip to the Capital City of Beishuo was full of assassinations. A jade pendant activated the Time Gate. Yueling and Zhou Shiyu had repeated reincarnations and improved themselves together, from striving to change their destiny to shouldering the national cause. As they grew together, they fell in love with each other.

      आपके लिए अनुशंसित।

      46 एपिसोड

      Lin Yichen dote-on Feng Shaofeng

      32 एपिसोड

      पारंपरिक पोशाक · प्रेम · भूखंड

      24 एपिसोड

      ईमानदार जोड़ी, और प्यारा प्यार

      24 एपिसोड
      वीटीवी ओनली

      You Jingru plays the foppish Heiress.

      21 एपिसोड

      Love story cross 1000 years

      24 एपिसोड

      Poor guy becomes the domineering CEO and pursues his first love

      35 एपिसोड

      कपोल कल्पित · कॉमेडी

      24 एपिसोड

      It was adapted from the same series of novels as "A Love so Beautiful"

      34 एपिसोड

      The Legend of Jinyan

      20 एपिसोड

      The bossy guy spoils her girl more, but the third person appears in their love.
