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      Imperfect The Series S2

      2022|Indonesia|All 16 EPs|Comedy
      Naya Anindita
      Aci Resti
      Kiky Saputri
      Neneng Wulandari
      Zsa Zsa Utari
      Dewi Irawan
      Reza Rahadian
      Ernest Prakasa
      Ari Irham
      Abun Sungkar
      Arie Kriting
      Bintang Emon
      Bella Graceva
      Fadil Jaidi
      Melly Goeslaw
      Cinta Laura

      This series continues the story from the first season where Dika resigned from his work out of town and returned home to start his career as a photographer. Maria now just started to work and adapt as a hijab store clerk, and her unresolved relationship with Bima became more complicated as new boy came and gave her attention. We will also see Neti's struggle to find a new job other than being a make-up artist, Endah who became an even worse K-Pop fanatic, and how Prita showed her love for her dad and sister in an unconventional way.

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