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      My Sassy Guys

      2021|Thailand|حلقة 24|Romance · Story
      Sean Jindachot
      باتاراسايا كيشوفانسيلي
      Saksit Vejsupaporn
      Yangmi returns to Thailand because She broke up with Chen An,her Thai/Chinese boyfriend.During her trip,she also met Danthai,a handsome photographer,whom she'sstories togeter.when they were both back to Thailand,they scared him through lots ofhappened to be neigbors in the same condominium,and even happened to be neigbors in the same condominium,and even working at the same office.She found out later that he's not a straight guy,but a Y type of guy.However,their friendship began to get more and more intimate.Until one day,Chen An came back to Yangmi.He suffers a memory loss illness from an accident.He couldn't recall many things in his life,but the only thing that couldn't be deleted from him was that Yangmi is his love,What to do when the ex-boyfriend is making a comeback while a new love begins to take shape ?

      مُوصى به لك

      حلقة 37
      12تم تجديد الحلقة
      حلقة 39

      Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin Cooperate Again

      حلقة 40
      حلقة 28

      love at first sight? The general pursues the little cook

      حلقة 265

      لا تندم على دخول طائفة تانغ في هذه الحياة

      To EP 154

      Perfect World

      104تم تجديد الحلقة

      ترتفع العاصفة مرة أخرى مع حلول العرش

      حلقة 28
      To EP 46

      We are both members of the Tang Sect, living in this turbulent world.
