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      Sand Puzzle

      • 52 episódios
      • Exclusivo WeTV
      Atualizar para 52 EP
      52 episódios

      Atores L‎eoWu, EricQin, AlinaZhang, RongYang, MinenZhang, Chen Ji

      Breve introdução: Li Chu(Wu lei), an Ordinary high school student who was walking in the street one day and attack by the mysterious man and left a strange design on his back. During the treatment he met a docotr named Liang Wan (Yang Rong decoration).With help of Liang Wan, Chu learned the mysterious man's identity from Wang Meng(Zhu Jie). When they returned to Liangwan'home, they met Wu Xie (Qin Hao), who already wait outside and ask Li Chu to go to the desert with him. Then a series of incomprehensible incidents took place in the desert.

      Sand Puzzle


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