The Perfect Husband In The Mirror
|2023|中国本土|Trọn bộ 25 tập|サスペンス · ファミリー · ファンタジー
TênJohnny Zhang
Giới tínhNam giới
Ngày sinh1985-03-22
Chòm saoおひつじ座
TênZhao Yuanyuan
Giới tínhNữ giới
Ngày sinh1991-05-09
Chòm saoおうし座
Luo Weiqi and her husband, Meng Yingchao, have been married for seven years and find their relationship at a crossroads. After a serious argument, her previously indifferent husband suddenly transforms into what could be described as the "perfect husband." Confronted with such a drastic change in her husband's behavior, Luo Weiqi can't help but question whether the man in front of her is truly her husband.