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      Sword Art Online Alicization War of Underworld S3

      13+|2019|اليابان|Total 23 EP

      Despite the defeat of Quinella—the pontifex of the Axiom Church—things have not seemed to calm down yet. Upon contacting the real world, Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya finds out that the Ocean Turtle—a mega-float controlled by Rath—was raided. Due to a sudden short-circuit caused by the raiders, Kirito's fluctlight is damaged, leaving him comatose. Feeling insecure about the people at the Axiom Church, Alice brings the unconscious Kirito back to their hometown—Rulid Village, disregarding her banishment due to an unabsolved crime. Now, Alice is living an ordinary and peaceful life close by the village, wishing for Kirito to wake up.

      Alasan peringkat usia: عنف

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      حلقة 32

      السيدة المشاغبة والرجل الوسيم المتغطرس

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      A Bittersweet Journey of Love

      حلقة 40

      النمو المتبادل والحب بين تشانغ وانيي ورين مين

      10تم تجديد الحلقة

      الحب يخترق حيث يختبئ الكراهية

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      The love loop between the lady doctor and the young master!

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      لا تندم على دخول طائفة تانغ في هذه الحياة

      حلقة 8

      مستشارة زواج تكتشف خيانة زوجها لها

      To EP 3

      Black Panther and Penguin
