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      Peach Of Time

      2021|South Korea|Trọn bộ 10 tập|Fantasy · Romance
      Choi JaehyunDiễn viên
      TênChoi Jaehyun
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1995-07-25
      Chòm saoالأسد
      Karn KritsanaphanDiễn viên
      TênKarn Kritsanaphan
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh2000-02-18
      Chòm saoالدلو
      Sittichok PueakpoolpolDiễn viên
      TênSittichok Pueakpoolpol
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1995-09-29
      Chòm saoالميزان
      Tác phẩm đề xuất
      Rose In Da HouseRose In Da House

      Peach, a 22-year old Thai boy, takes a daring step in his life and decides to fly to Korea to meet his online Korean friend, Yun-oh.

      Everything seems perfect for Peach. He finally realized his dream! On top of that, as he stays in his friend's house, the two can finally be together. But something just doesn't seem right. Sung-suk, Yun-oh’s mother, seems to be cautious and reserved in Peach's presence. She is harsh with her son and Peach soon realizes that the two do not get along well.

      Willing to help his friend, Peach takes matters in his own hands and tries to mend the strained relationship. He just wants Yun-oh to be happy... and if he can make it happen, he will!

      But what is that weird feeling in Peach's heart? Does he like Yun-oh...?

      Peach's world crumbles one day when he learns that Yun-ho... had died in an accident two weeks before!

      Đề xuất cho bạn

      12تم تجديد الحلقة

      السيدة المشاغبة والرجل الوسيم المتغطرس

      8Aتم تجديد الحلقة

      مستشارة زواج تكتشف خيانة زوجها لها

      حلقة 40

      النمو المتبادل والحب بين تشانغ وانيي ورين مين

      حلقة 24

      المغامرة والرومانسية عبر الزمن!

      All 36 EPs

      The Sweet tug of war between Chen Xingxu and Zhang Yuxi

      19تم تجديد الحلقة

      طفل لطيف يساعد، والأب يتدخل

      18تم تجديد الحلقة

      يتعاون تشانغ هوا سن وتشاو تشينغ لاستكشاف حالات غريبة

      23تم تجديد الحلقة

      تفسر باي باي خه فلسفة حياة مختلفة

      حلقة 265

      لا تندم على دخول طائفة تانغ في هذه الحياة

      To EP 73

      We are both members of the Tang Sect, living in this turbulent world.
