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      Go Fridge S6

      PG|2020|الصين الرئيسية|حلقة 10

      "Go Fridge S6" is a food talk show. In each episode, 2 celebrities will come to the show with their refrigerators. By disclosing the content of the refrigerator, they will talk about life and gossip with 6 chefs of different personalities. Two chefs will have competitions of creative cuisine, which is made of the ingredients within the celebrities' refrigerators. Also the celebrity will participate in helping the chef to make the cuisine.

      مُوصى به لك

      حلقة 38

      Two-sided Life of Fat Mansion Becoming Handsome


      Ray Ma, Neo Hou, Jim Yu, Henry are becoming to nursing father


      Chen Xuedong, Johnny Huang and Jackson Wang warm Meng belt baby

      حلقة 20

      ترقية باشاو للحيوانات الأليفة الغارقة يقابل حب الفتاة يقابل فجأة المنافس


      First In Last Out

      حلقة 31

      مطاردة ولعب شباب الحرم الجامعي

      حلقة 30

      The legal medical expert solve the cases.


      How do Jackson Yi ,Kenny Lin and Jim Yu conquer the children?

      حلقة 40

      Yang Yang fought for glory
