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      Attack on Titan S3

      13+|2019|اليابان|حلقة 22

      Still threatened by the "Titans" that rob them of their freedom, mankind remains caged inside the two remaining walls. Efforts to eradicate these monsters continue; however, threats arise not only from the Titans beyond the walls, but from the humans within them as well.

      After being rescued from the Colossal and Armored Titans, Eren Yaeger devotes himself to improving his Titan form. Krista Lenz struggles to accept the loss of her friend, Captain Levi chooses Eren and his friends to form his new personal squad, and Commander Erwin Smith recovers from his injuries.

      In Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3, Eren and his fellow soldiers are not only fighting for their survival against the terrifying Titans, but also against the terror of a far more conniving foe: humans.

      سبب التصنيف العمري: عنف, رعب

      مُوصى به لك

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      حلقة 16


      20تم تجديد الحلقة

      الثراء تقرره السماء، ولقائك هو حظي

      12تم تجديد الحلقة

      Perfect 10 Liners

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      رحلة منغ تسي يي ولي يون روي للعثور على الحب

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      قاتل قوي ووريثة هاربة يجدان الخلاص معًا!

      12تم تجديد الحلقة

      الوقوع في الحب أثناء الطلاق

      حلقة 36
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      Wang Hedi Solves Cases to Uphold Justice
