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      A secretly love (Uncut Ver.)

      2024|Thailand|All 10 EPs|Romance
      Warodom Khemmonta
      Tanawat Sukfuengfoo
      Phadtraruengrid Namwongyot
      Chatpong Harnharuiharn
      Chupat harnharuharn
      Gunkanit mangmee
      Nuntika Ransri
      Nuntika Ransri
      Mahatsajan Matsri
      Benja Toopkrajang
      Atipbadee Pantawong

      Pluem' got dumped by 'Sroi,' his girlfriend said it's over, and she slapped him in the face amidst the gaze of the onlookers. Konprod A university student of third grade, who witnessed the incident. This is not the first time he has seen the 'person he likes' being dumped by a girl. In reality, he has to admit that he has seen it so many times that it's become quite normal. Even though it's surprising why his older brother hasn't been in toxic relationship for a long time, but it's not his right to interfere, especially since he has liked him for seven years

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