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      【ENG SUB】《Just an Encore》EP1——Starring: Ding Yu Xi,Jiang Zhuo Jun, Chen Xun

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      ★Subscribe Now★ ☞ WeTV: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ Tencent Video: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ WeTV Taiwan: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV Indonesian: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Vietnamese: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ★More Dramas★ ♥《Put Your Head on My Shoulder》: http://bit.ly/PYHOMS ♥《Detective L》: http://bit.ly/DetecL ♥《Master Devil Do Not Kiss Me S1》:http://bit.ly/MDDNKMS1 ♥《Master Devil Do Not Kiss Me S2》:http://bit.ly/MDDNKMS2 ♥ 《Our Glamorous Time》: http://bit.ly/TTVOGT ♥《The Eternal Love II》:http://bit.ly/TELII ♥《Just An Encore》: http://bit.ly/WETVJAE ♥《Even Night》:http://bit.ly/EverNight Ordinary high school student Yan Ze is secretly in love with her desk-mate Ji Xiaowho is not only the most handsome boy in school but also a top student. But Yan Ze is neither particularly beautiful nor does she have a particularly good figure, and her grades are only so-so as well. Her best friend and adopted sister Gu Xi Ye, however, is the opposite of her, beautiful and an outstanding student. Yan Ze thus can’t help feeling that she will forever be no more than Xi Ye’s shadow. When Yan Ze discovers that her crush might like Xi Ye, her restrained negative emotions towards Xi Ye only become stronger until she explodes. Transfer student He Xin Liang sees through Yan Ze and always “miraculously” appears when she’s at her lowest point to cheer her up with h