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      PG|2022|จีนแผ่นดินใหญ่|Trọn bộ 36 tập|ย้อนยุค · ดราม่า
      เหมาคุนยวี่Đạo diễn
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh--
      Chòm sao--
      จางหานอวิ้นDiễn viên
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1989-04-09
      Chòm saoเมษ
      Tác phẩm đề xuất
      ถงเมิ่งสือ Diễn viên
      Tên ถงเมิ่งสือ
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1993-01-22
      Chòm saoกุมภ์
      Tác phẩm đề xuất

      Losing both his parents at a young age, Xu Qingjia studied hard and became the second-best of the successful examinees in the imperial examination. Then he married the daughter of the Hu family, Hu Jiao. Despite coming from a family of butchers and being uncultured, Hu Jiao was outgoing, positive, and carefree. She took care of everything in a perfect manner. Xu Qingjia was dedicated to serving the people and pushing for reform. Since his promotion as the magistrate’s assistant, Xu Qingjia had reduced taxes and solved the silver mine case; on the other hand, Hu Jiao had involved herself in building schools, starting her own boxing class, and assisting Xu Qingjia with his cases. Their collaboration was recognized by both locals and non-locals eventually. After his promotion as a state government official, Xu Qingjia took advantage of the local environment and develops the economy by planting medicinal herbs. That way, the famine was eased. Coupled with Hu Jiao’s bravery in finding reinforcements during the armed rebellion on the border, the people were in awe of the legendary couple. The husband and wife had stuck together through thick and thin and Xu Qingjia had advanced in his career. Yet, unexpectedly, Xu Qingjia’s career fell apart and he became bedridden. The couple was left with no choice but to head back to their hometown, where Hu Jiao stepped up and became the breadwinner by putting her entrepreneurial talent to use. Meanwhile, Xu Qingjia was in charge of the back-end operations. Not long after, when Xu Qingjia’s career took a turn, he toughened up and made his way to the capital. Not forgetting their aspiration, the husband and wife joined hands and brought corrupt officials to justice. They finally embarked on the journey to fight evil and served the people.

      Đề xuất cho bạn

      ทั้งหมด 32 ตอน

      คู่มือพิชิตใจ ติงอวี่ซี ของอวี๋ซูซิน

      อัปเดตถึงตอน 26


      อัปเดตถึงตอน 22

      เหนือจินตนาการ! แพทย์สาวข้ามมิติมาพบรักคุณชายผู้สูงส่ง

      ทั้งหมด 40 ตอน


      ทั้งหมด 20 ตอน


      อัปเดตถึงตอน 7
      ทั้งหมด 8 ตอน


      อัปเดตถึงตอน 2


      ทั้งหมด 23 ตอน

      หนูน้อยตะมุตะมิช่วยโจมตี ประธานคุณพ่อประจำที่

      ทั้งหมด 10 ตอน

