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      Legend of Fei

      • 51 episódios
      • VIP
      Atualizar para 51 EP
      51 episódios

      Atores Zhao Liying, Yibo Wang, Zhang Huiwen, RuoxuanChen, Oscar Sun, Pinky Zhou, Zhang Xinyu, Andrew Leng

      Breve introdução: In the dynasties of the Nanbei, the world were in turmoil, and the "South Blade" Li Zheng established the forty-eight villages in Shuzhong to teach the martial arts and live here. However, after Li Zheng's death, famous people in the world have also successively failed. Years later, a young man who claimed to be Xie Yun accidentally rescued Li Zheng's granddaughter Zhou Fei from the Forty-eight Village. Half a year later, Zhou Fei and Xie Yun met again in Huojiabao, but were hunted down by two masters at Qisha Villa, and the two were involved in a conspiracy. Zhou Fei was instructed by his predecessors, always sharpening his swordsmanship, and relying on a brave to kill Qisha, rebellion, capture the king of the enemy, and rescue the refugees. Xie Yun accompanied Zhou Fei, the two went together, did not give up, and finally calmed down this turmoil. The generation of rookies, represented by Zhou Fei and Xie Yun, Xie Yun has grown into a true "bandit gentleman", and Zhou Fei has finally become a "South Blade" guru!

      Legend of Fei

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