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      Maker: A documentary on the maker movement

      2014|America|حلقة 1|Society · humanity

      Maker (Chinese title-《自造世代》) is an international documentary about the "Maker Movement". Leaders in the American Maker Movement and the field of science and technology will be invited to discuss how the "Maker Movement" will influence the social economy and manufacture. It is hoped to become an important reference index in design, so that the global audience will understand the essence of Makers. It is also hoped to give Taiwan, which is a global foundry center, a direction of transformation.

      مُوصى به لك

      To EP 33

      Two Lifetimes, One Couple: A Future Full of Promise


      Come to Asian auditions and pick your idol

      To EP 21

      Perfect 10 Liners

      All 30 EPs

      Dai Gaozheng & Chen Fangtong's contract marriage takes an unexpected romantic turn!

      To EP 12

      Dai Gaozheng's shattered love restored!

      All 32 EPs

      Tan Jianci and Li Landi: Life is Fun

      All 31 EPs

      Fall in love during the divorce

      All 17 EPs
      All 24 EPs

      Love and Affection. All is Well.

      All 24 EPs

      Gao Weiguang and Xuan Lu's Romantic Affair in the Martial World
