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      To Your Eternity

      2021|Jepun|Total 20 EP|Ajaib

      a mysterious immortal being named Fushi, sent to the Earth with no emotions nor identity. Fushi is able to take on the shape of those around that leave a strong impression on him. Starting off as a white orb, he takes the form of a rock, then a dying wolf. As a wolf, Fushi meets a boy living alone, whose form he later takes. Fushi travels the world over hundreds of years, taking the forms of various beings, and acquiring new powers, such as the ability to create objects out of nothing, and resurrecting the dead.

      Direkomendasikan untukmu

      Episod 32

      Melangkah ke dunia fantasi! Tingkatkan tahap dan taklukkan dunia!

      Episod 34

      Shen Yue cuba membuat Lin Yi tersenyum

      To EP 8
      To EP 76

      We are both members of the Tang Sect, living in this turbulent world.

      To EP 3

      Panther Hitam dan Penguin

      Episod 40

      Pertumbuhan dan Cinta Bersama Zhang Wanyi dan Ren Min

      To EP 12

      Cinta di tengah pertempuran antara rahsia dan dendam

      To EP 26

      Kisah cinta berulang antara tabib wanita dan tuan muda!

      Episod 10
      Episod 265

      Don't regret entering the Tang Gate in this life
