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      Tale of the Night

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      ~까지 업데이트 1 회[화]

      출연진 Yin Fang, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen, 백우범, 저우스위, 우쥔, 뤄강, 레이 (가수)

      소개: The story took place on a magical night in Changsha. In a bookstore, Jing Weiwei met with He Xixi, who would leave the hometown tomorrow morning. The two people made an appointment to travel at night. He Xixi chatted about her step-brother, a stand-up comedian named He An. On tonight's show, He An's father appeared in the audience, and the two parted on bad terms. On the other side, Chen Qingzhi, Liang Baoqi and Xie were guarding the Ferris wheel. While enjoying the night view, they sighed that it was not easy to work. The night was deeper, and it was also the last time the Internet celebrity stall owner Li cooked, she decided to let her apprentice Xu take over to continue operating the stall. The night was about to pass, and a group of people were sitting together in the food stalls to eat. Encounter, love, stay, leave, reconciliation, reunion... All happened in this city, and everyone found a reason to love here.

      Tale of the Night



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