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      Chang'An Magical Street

      2020|Tiongkok Daratan|全40集|Fantasi Misterius

      In Zhenguan year, the human race headed by Tianxuan sect practice magic arts zealously. They are antagonistic to the alien race realm. In Luoling City, there was a street named Chang'an Magic Street, which accidentally connected two realms due to the abnormal earthquake. In order to prevent the whole Luoling City from becoming a battlefield between the two worlds, the aliens living here carefully maintain the secret that connects the two realms here while doing business in the two realms. The young man Gu Shaoning from the human race came to Chang'an Magic Street, and got acquainted with an alien living on this street. At the same time, the ordinary destiny of the young man has also undergone earth-shaking changes because of the discovery of the secret of Chang'an Magic Street.


      Total 9 EP

      Batu Misterius dengan Kekuatan Dahsyat

      Total 266 EP

      Jangan Sesali Masuk Gerbang Tang di Kehidupan Ini

      Total 10 EP
      WeTV Original

      An ordinary youth crossing as a villain into the book and abusing the hero!

      Total 4 EP

      Classic and Bizzare, Witness the Adventures in Yunhuang

      To EP 15
      WeTV Only

      Keindahan Menakjubkan: Fantasi Kuno 3D

      Total 15 EP

      Kamu Tak Mengerti, Ini Juga Cinta

      To EP 48
      WeTV Only

      Brother and sister laugh so hard everyday.

      Total 12 EP
      WeTV Original

      Wu Zhiji: Menembus Langit, Mengguncang Bumi

      All 32 EPs

      The Tomb Sect: A Martial Arts Saga Unfolds

      Total 16 EP
      WeTV Only

      Seorang Grandmaster Berlatih Seni Bela Diri di Dunia Manusia
