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      Flavors from The River

      PG|2024|चीन|10 episódios|स्वादिष्ट खाना · मानवता

      The 10-episode series focuses on Zi River in central Hunan, known for Anhua Dark Tea and the Tea Horse Road. Local cuisines highlight seasonal flavors. Starting from Shaoyang, the source of Zi River, our journey spans 650+ km through Lengshui River, Xinhua, Anhua, Taojiang, and Yiyang, ending at Dongting Lake and Yueyang. Our camera captures stunning mountains and villages. Local dialect "Have you eaten? Come and eat." invites global guests to enjoy Hunan's hospitality and diverse cuisine.

      Recomendados Para Você


      Taste humanity at night


      Flavor Exploration Journey of Chen Xiaoqing
