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      Love and Redemption

      • المعاينة
      التحديث إلى undefined الحلقة
      حلقة 59

      الممثل تشينغ يي, Yuan Bingyan, ليو شيويه يي , تشانغ يوي شي, باي شو , Hou Mengyao

      عرفنى بنفسك: A conference will be held in the Shaoyang School. The leader of Shaoyang School, Chu Lei, has two daughters. The eldest one, Ling Long, is smart and capable. The second daughter, Xuanji, is ignorant and lazy in practicing. During the meeting with contestants from other factions, Xuanji formed a friendship with Yu Sifeng, the senior pupil of the Lize Palace. Linglong clashed with Wutong, a disciple of other factions. And Wutong retaliated against Xuanji and thus was expelled by the decent faction. Xuanji, who woke up from a serious injury, vowed to practice well from then on. Four years later, Xuanji's technique was refined and she got the opportunity to go down the mountain. And she encounters Sifeng while fighting for the people in Lutai Town, and learns the essentials of cooperation and trust under Sifeng's instructions. Wutong then betrays his organization, and joins forces with the Demon in order to dominate the Three Realms. And the whole world is at stake. At this time, Xuanji was no longer that ignorant girl. She insisted on justice and joined forces with Sifeng to declare war towards the evil forces and successfully reversed the situation. In the end, the Three Realms returned to peace. Xuan Ji and Si Feng also gained precious love after going through various misunderstandings and hardships.

      Love and Redemption

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