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      حلقة 40

      الممثل شيوي فان, ما سي تشون, ليانغ جينغ, لي شياو ران , سونغ تشون لي, Li Chengru, ليو جون, SunQian, وانغ تيان تشن, 宋寧峰, Le Geng, تشين جينغ كه, دينغ تشوان

      عرفنى بنفسك: The vigorous head, Qiao Haiyun, ever set rules that every New Year all family members must go home. No one had broken rules all the time, until the most honest third-generation Li Yijin suddenly broke the tradition to go to her boyfriend’s home for the New Year, causing family contradiction. Qiao Haiyun has three daughters. The eldest, Meng Mingwei is not her biological daughter. Because of lame inferiority, Meng Mingwei had great ambitions for her daughter, Li Yijin, but had a very tense relationship with her. In the end, they understood each other's difficulties and finally knew that keeping a proper distance was the best way to maintain a mother-daughter relationship; Meng Wanqing, the second one, and Tao Shuna were perfect mother and daughter, but the two accidentally discovered each other's secret. The process of rediscovering each other is also that of rediscovering oneself. The two finally understood that the perfect mother-daughter relationship was not to cover up the shortcomings but to support each other; The third one, Meng Yian, is the most like Qiao Haiyun, strong and independent. Not wanting to be a strong woman like her mother, but by chance, Meng Yian took the same path as her mother. The difficulty of balancing her career and family led her to understand her mother. The three generations of women in the Meng family were like a flock of birds. Although they watched each other from the distance, they supported each other and coexisted.


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