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      Butterfly of the Night

      2022|Indonesia|All 7 EPs|Romance · Story
      Anggy Umbara
      Michelle Ziudith
      Kenny Austin
      Lukman Sardi
      Steffi Zamora

      [Adults Only] Laura is a beautiful, smart college student who has two lives. Behind her figure who looks like an ordinary student, it turns out that she works as a prostitute because of a pressure that she can't avoid. She became "the most wanted girl". However, while being prostitute, Laura never wanted to repeat the same client. This makes Arif, one of Laura's clients, so obsessed with it that he is willing to pay a high price. But Laura refused. Especially after the only reason that she had to become a prostitute was now futile. Laura then started a new life in Bali. However, the past kept chasing her.

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